Wednesday, December 5, 2012

#7days #food

Hello friends

This is going to be quick, but I feel guilty for not posting so... HERE. Are you happy now?

I have finals to take, concerts to prepare for, performances to perform, and operas to rehearse. I'M BUSY OK? But I have some VERY exciting news......


2days + 5days = TONSILS

You'll notice I'm using capslock A LOT... I have zero discretion. I'm taking a final tomorrow on music history and all I can think about is the romantic era of classical music... JUDGE ME PLEASE. Because BRAHMS CARES what I say about him.

Preparation tip of the week: I have tried making Gatorade ice cubes and they're delicious... SO I WIN.  While on the subject of food, I have recently learned that having  oatmeal soon after surgery leads to bits of oatmeal getting stuck in strange places... Shout out to A.M. for that one. Here come the food nightmares.

Earlier this week I realized something... If I'm going to lose upwards of 5 pounds during post op... WHY am I still eating like I need to maintain my weight? I can literally eat whatever I want until the surgery... THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!! My inner fat kid is dancing with joy!

But on a serious note, that is something that's on my mind a lot lately. How much is my body going to change? What is going to be different about my voice? What kind of work am I going to have to do to get back the muscle memory etc, if anything?  When am I going to feeling normal again?(What is love?) My teacher gave me a protocol to follow(of which I am very excited about!) that I might share during my day to day blogging after the surgery, but I'm just starting to get a little bit nervous as to how my body will react....

Maybe I'll just look like a Victoria Secret model... Ya - scary.

I know this is short-er and sweet-er then most, but this girl has got studying to do! Back to Atonal rows and Brahms/Schumann/Chopin/HELP. Also, who has time to read long blogs anyway? Not me....

Here is a poem about food and tonsils:

I love food
I love to dance
Tonsils gotta go
I can't wait for Friday

Inspiration of the day:


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