Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hi friends!

How are you? How was your Saturday? Are you almost done with school? None of you are answering these questions, I don't know why I ask.

Today I was no longer in a narcotics haze, so we're moving up in the world.

Tonight was also the first time I have ever actually cried over food....  Yes.  While my family was eating dinner tonight, I sat in my living room and shed TEARS.  All I wanted was what they were eating...

This is a glorified version of what they ate... AND I CRIED.

You guys, I don't know if you understand this...  I started crying over chicken and mushroom    soup... SERIOUSLY?  Although I blame drugs wholeheartedly, I think that's one of the battles of recovery: Not going crazy over eating only cold bland food.  I mean, I love popsicles as much as the next guy, but my friends, it gets old quick

 Me. Today. Minus the food in my mouth.

Developing story: I'm going to try and eat some solid-ish not really solid food tomorrow so that will be freaking breaking news in my recovery period.  I know you'll be sitting on the edge of your seats waiting, like you always are, to read the next sad thing I write. I have you all tricked into thinking that someday I'll write something actually funny...  HA PULLED THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES DIDN'T I?

Talking is funny, on another note... I'm on strict vocal rest, but I tried to talk today, and... lets just say I sound GUD. Miss Piggy and I could be sisters.  It's fairly terrifying as a singer, although I know it will go away, but I laugh because I'm sitting here sounding like Miss Piggy re-working my career... THAT would be a laugh... Watch this it gives me comfort humor me:

Today is also the day I delved into Downton Abbey, so... I GET IT. IT'S GOOD. I'M ADDICTED.  Sir Bates, Sir Thomas... Drama.

I guess I have to make fun of myself now too...

Tips and Ticks, for all of you reading for practical reasons:

  • Keep swallowing. Please.  It makes ALL of the difference.  My quality of life is 100X better when I really work those muscles.
  • Keeping track of your medicine, very strictly helps you figure out if you need to be on the schedule that they give you, or if you need it more frequently or less frequently. 
  • Sleep when you need to. I'm not saying stay up all night, but if your body is telling you to go to sleep during the day and you can't really fight it... Just do it.  You will heal faster and feel better.

Here is a poem about being hungry:

It changes
How you see the world
It changes

(I really like to play with form... Not that I spent more then two seconds on this poem, but the amount of syllables is symmetrical and the colors are too. I'm an artist. A word artist.)

Inspiration of the Day:

So cute. SO CUTE.

PS - I know. You and I are both thinking it... This blog is getting really lame, if it wasn't already really lame. But UNDERSTAND, all I've been doing is sitting around and watching TV if I even have enough energy to sit up, all day for the past 3 days... WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY ABOUT?

PPS - I've already lost weight. So parades for me and my shriveling frame.  I'm really going to try and eat something semi solid so cross your fingerzzzzz

PPPS - Do we like more color? Less color? Are you still reading?


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