Monday, December 17, 2012

SOLID #twss


The past two days have been full of new adventures. I knew that if I didn't group them into one blog that you all would fall asleep reading... And lets be honest, most of you don't need any help falling asleep(Shout out to ESM finals week.... haha bitches)

BrIEf dETaiLeD TiMelnE:


10am - Wake up/drink an entire waterbottle to end the simulation of a desert in my mouth(thats what she said..?)

10:30am - Take medicine(thank you Dr. H)

11:15am - Eat some scrambled eggs(real food!)

12pm -5pm - Finish Season 1 of Downton Abbey - Fall asleep every once and a while - Snapchat

5:30pm - Get fed up and start eating PIZZA

6:30pm - Finish 1 tiny piece of pizza...

7:30pm - Watch another episode of Downton, because I'm now exhausted

8:30pm - Become totally bored and attempt to play the piano...

9:00pm - Give up and go back to watching Downton

10:00pm - Attempt to write a blog, and realize that if I wrote a blog about today, it would be a real reach...

1:00am - Pass out during an episode of the second season of Downton


Repeat of Sunday....

Except for the pizza. This time it was eggs, bacon and pancakes!

See, my friends? Aren't you glad I waited? I would have been forced to write uninteresting things two blogs in a row... And it sucks to suck.


Some Commentary


I was very daring early in the day and I tried some scrambled eggs with a little cheese, the saltiest thing I have eaten since Tuesday night. I know, I live life on the edge. Then, I did the unthinkable....

I ate a whole piece of pizza... !!!!!!!  It was a tiny piece and it took me about 45 minutes to finish, but its all about baby steps bitchessss.

It was actually Digorno but a girl can dream

Today I have much more movement with my jaw, which is super convenient... for life.  I also decided not to take medicine for as much of the day as I could, just to see if I'm actually getting better, or if its all the drugs.  I feel like its a good gauge of whether what you're doing to recoup is working.


Holy moly this girl is on a role!

I not only finished all of Downton Abbey Seasons one and two, but I also ate all of my dinner... So:


Today, I started to get really really fidgety... As a fairly social person I will admit to being a little self centered.......
 Me conceited? Never...

 But I swear one more day of trying to figure out if I need more medicine, where my pain is coming from, what is happening with my body, stalking myself on facebook... It can exhaust a girl!

I am hoping and praying that the pain is going to wear off... I can now kind of eat without taking too much medicine, but again, this is only the 5th day... I could be in deep doo doo very soon... And lord knows that would stink

Get it? Doo doo? That would stink? I'll stop

Also, as I said in my fantastically detailed timeline, I got to eat dinner with my family for the first time since I've been home. It feels like I'm starting to get back to normal.  Knock on wood.  This is such an interesting surgical post op.  As soon as you feel good, you then start to feel horrible, and you're not completely healed for about a month... Weird right?

I mean all surgery is weird, but I don't know if I've ever had anything so dramatic done before. It is making me increasingly aware that I am not a super human, and that I do understand when my body is telling me to slowdown so I need to LISTEN.

On a totally different beat, it's both hilarious and awesome that I have over 900 views on my blog so far... Who would have guessed that more people then my mom and myself would ever want to read this?  Thank you for staying tuned, and actually caring about what I have to say.  I really appreciate all of the love that I've gotten over the past few weeks before the surgery and the last 5 days.  I have fantastic friends and family!!

Tips and Ticks for you basic bitches:

  • When moving to solid food:  EAT SLOWLY.  Make sure that you don't go crazy and take a big piece of pizza and just chomp down... You WILL hurt yourself.  I literally took an hour to eat that first piece of pizza.  And it was TOTALLY WORTH IT, but you really have to be careful.  Also, I wouldn't recommend eating pizza first... It is fairly acidic and can hurt... I was sitting there smelling it for about and hour and HAD to try and eat some. Plus applesauce does NOT fill a girl up
  • Don't wait to take the medication.  Please. Don't be a hero.  Your quality of life is ALWAYS better.  Even if you don't want to take the narcotics, at least take Motrin or something.  Plus, the Motrin tastes good so you have NO EXCUSES
  • You will be bored by about the 5th day, but don't overdo it.  Find things to do.
Katie's fool proof list of things to do when you get bored sitting around in pain
  • Take a short walk
  • Start a blog...
  • Take over your friends newsfeed with puppies
  • Start a tv show using your free week of huluplus...
  • Make a friendship bracelet
  • Splurge and buy some new music on itunes, you deserve it
  • Do studying for the finals that you have to take next semester.........
  •  Buy a hoola hoop.  It's not a lot of physical exertion, but it will get you preoccupied and moving enough so you don't start collecting blood in your legs.
  • Fold the laundry your mother has been piling on top of you for the past 3 days to give you "purpose" 

Inspiration of the day

Beyonce - Run the World

A poem about my life

I love puppies
Send me cute puppies
I also like red pandas
Send me red pandas

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