Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Evil Day 7 aka Life Lessons with KWebs

Friends it's been exactly a week since my surgery(YAYYYY), but I've learned some sad sad news... I know this might come as a shock to you all,  and it pains me to say it, but......

I, Katie "B.a.m.f." Weber, am not Super Woman

I know. It's a lot to handle, and I understand if you can't read this blog any longer out of disappointment, but how was I supposed to know??  Ok I'm kind of kidding, but here is why I say this.

Last night I spent some long overdue time with some of my very favorite people. The cast of Grease! OMGOMGOMGOMG..... NO. Not John Travolta and Olivia Newton John, although their newest music video is... Well.... You decide: Music Video of the Year?

I mean Talent Company's Grease of Summer 2012!

Aren't we cute??

Anyway, I was feeling amazing yesterday and so I drugged up and went(with Chip driving of course) to go make cookies and watch christmas movies.  We had so much fun, and even though I wasn't able to communicate well, it felt SO GOOD to see all of them!

I had almost zero pain all through that love fest, and even before I went to bed. I thought I was cured!  It was all around the best evening I've had since my tonsillectomy. Bliss.

Jokes on me. When I woke up this morning I was in Pain Central. Yes that is a place. A place of pain. 

Ouch is right Super Baby

This is rough. I'm actually in pain. So why is this? Why can't I just bounce back? WHY AM I NOT ALL HEALED ALREADY?

Here is a real life lesson:

Overdoing it is good on paper, and it is terrible in practice. (You can quote me)

Go hard or go home? Yeah, in the business of post operative recovery that is an actual phrase.  You can not go back to normal and think you're healthy before the good doctors predict you will(unless you're a miracle) and expect to come out on top.  You will fail. You're just hurting yourself amigos.

In other news.... I'm pretty positive that this is the 5-7day thing that everyone always talks about but never really describes, so...  DISCLAIMER - I'm about to describe my symptoms.  While they aren't gruesome or gory or totally gross, I wouldn't recommend reading them unless you want to know because you're having the surgery, or if you are just REALLY interested in every detail of my life. In which case, thank you?  They're just a little bit icky sounding.

  • The first pain that I first started feeling was in my tongue. It's a sharp muscular pain, and it's almost where the tongue attaches in the back. For singers, it's like really terrible jaw tension.
  • I then had pain along the edges of my scabs.  Very sharp pain that only happens while eating(sweet things especially) and or drinking very cold substances.  The pain can be reduced by drinking luke warm/room temperature water.  I think it's probably just becoming highly sensitive.
  • I'm starting to get ear aches.  I haven't had them at all yet, but as of tonight especially they are pretty bad.  I haven't had to take as much of the narcotics lately, but I definitely had to today.
  • It feels swollen in my throat.  It is not at all as bad as the first few days, but it feels like there is more material back there then there has been for the past day or so.
I warned you

Now that that's over. I hope all of you basic bitches are having a lovely stressful end to your finals weeks and that you can soon all go home and re learn what rest and relaxation mean... I'm slowly becoming an expert in finding positions to sit in where your bottom doesn't fall asleep. It's an art.

Tips and Tricks for all you hookers trying to make a buck:
  • I'm just going to say it now.  By day 5/6, drink luke warm things, especially diluted gatorade.  I know I keep saying this, but it is the best drink I have had so far.  There is something about it that makes staying hydrated bearable.  Today drinking cold things was a nightmare.
  • Try chomping on some pretzels. I know it sounds crazy, but if they aren't too salty, its actually a very nice dry crunchy food that won't be too irritating and that gatorade goes really well with.
  • Eat protein things. Eloquent I know.  Eggs, protein shakes, maybe even some chicken at this stage in the game if you can.  I would probably stay away from anything spicy, but you need protein to heal.  I didn't eat any yesterday and look at me now.
Inspiration of the day:
(special request by Kelsie D.)

A completely random Poem, full of words that came to my brain just now:

Pineapple tigers
Ready for the train
Making lots of cookies go
up and a-way

I'm going to make myself a little project for Friday's blog:

Unless something awesome happens and I really want to write about it(not likely), I'm going to make a day to day timeline for the first 8 days after the surgery.  Hopefully I'll be able to compile everything so that it all makes sense, and will be helpful.  I also owe Matt M. some song ideas so I'll be super busy.

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