Thursday, December 13, 2012



My tonsils and I have parted ways.  We just weren't good for each other any more.  We weren't fulfilling each others needs any longer. It wasn't me, it was them.

I would have posted a blog yesterday, I was even planning on it... And then I had a two hour surgery and was put on liquid narcotics. Blogging was about the 200th thing on my mind... Sry guyz, give a sick girl a break?

Here is a summary of the last 48ish hours of my life...


I had 3 performances, talk about a Farewell to the Tonsils Tour. For my last meal I decided to TREAT MYSELF and go out with a bang. What kind of a bang? A large bacon cheese burger and fries, with a side of wings, courtesy of Matt Moisey, kind of a bang.

I had to stop eating at about midnight and couldn't drink anything after 6:45am,(which is possibly the hardest thing you could ask of me... I really like food). I finished up the last of my burger and instagrammed it(JUDGE ME), and then recorded myself singing for the last time before going to bed.  Surprising right?




One might say I was freaking out, so I sang Christmas carols... Chestnuts were roasting on an open fire, Jingle bells were ringing, and Rudolph was "going down in history" all morning long. I got up, packed, said farewell to the bestist room mates and headed out the door with mom and dad.

My Beautiful Room Mates

We got to the hospital, and they gave us a pager, which made me laugh out loud.  I was officially an order of food. When I was all done, that pager would buzz, and my parents would come and get me...  Just like Panara!

In the waiting room!

We sat and waited, and when I was finally called in, they asked me to pee in a cup (which I didn't know is actually very difficult), put on some warm slip proof socks and change into possibly the loudest smock color I have EVER seen.


My nurse, Laura, and I bonded over the fact that she not only knows how much I weigh, how old I am, and my full name, but she ALSO knows what my pee looks like... We became very very close very VERY quickly.  She hooked me up to an IV, like a pro, and gave me all kinds of things:  Antibiotics, fluid, anti inflammatory medicine, if I was at all thirsty before, I was FINE now.

Mom and Dad came in, and we chatted with everyone that walked by.  If this was my last hour of comfortably talking, I was going to make the best out of it. Plus, everyone liked my smock, so I was in a good mood!
Dr. H came in and we started talking about the surgery, what was happening, what was currently coursing through my body, what I needed to understand, etc.

Now, I'm not exactly sure what he said during his spiel, but I do know, that what everyone was wearing on their heads were some of the brightest colors I've seen in a long time, and then I knew I was becoming delirious... HA

At about 3:00pm I said my last goodbyes to my parents, and was wheeled into the operating room.  I was presented with some lovely leg massage thingys, and the nurses probably talked to me until I passed out, but lets be real, I have no clue.

The next thing I know, I was talking to some other lovely nurses in the extended stay unit. They were asking me all sorts of questions: what college I went to, what I like to do, if I have a boyfriend... I was like listen ladies, I really appreciate your curiosity about my social life, and your willingness to speak to me, but I've just had like half of my throat taken out and the anesthesia hasn't really worn off yet, so give me a couple minutes? I'm still a little slow here.

ME, last night.

Then walked in my parents, and they started answering the barrage of questions while I dozed off.  Dr. H walked in like my knight in shining armor and explained how the surgery went.

It was a 2 hour surgery that went smoothly.  He did end up having to take out some of my adenoids, they were apparently enlarged as well.. GOSH I'M SPECIAL, AREN'T I?

They always keep you in the hospital for at least 2 hours after you wake up from a tonsillectomy, and I was very very hungry, so the kind, talkative nurses asked me the question that I had been waiting for all day:  "What kind of Popsicle do you want?"


I got to have a Popsicle that turned my mouth a lovely shade of blue, but I didn't care, it was done! I just had to not bleed profusely over the next 24 hours and it was smooth sailing!  I got some sexy socks out of the deal to.... Very appealing.  Thankfully I passed out immediately upon arrival to the hotel and slept fairly well through the night (thank you medicine).

I would just like to make a shout out to the makers of children's Motrin for creating a liquid orange flavor.  Much better then the other stuff I have to take. Yucks.


I woke up this morning, and I was in a fair amount of pain, but not unbearable.  I decided that it would be a good time to actually text all of my friends back, to make sure that they knew I was alive, and to, you know, check how popular I am, ect.  Then we drove home!  I've had a very relaxing day of Gatorade, steroids, narcotics, and sleep... Ahhh what a life.

Here are some FIRST DAY TIPS:

  • I would highly recommend swallowing a lot the first day. Dr. H said that I should use those muscles as much as possible, because a lot of the pain from a tonsillectomy is from the cramping of the muscles.  And I believe him.  I do have a lot of pain, but it isn't unbearable.
  •  DRINK LIQUID.  I got a taste of dehydration when I didn't drink enough earlier today, and it is not pleasant.  Work through the pain now, not later. I'm really in love with diluted Gatorade right now.
  • Let yourself rest.  After you take the narcotics you might feel a little bit sick, but it will pass as long as you let yourself rest.  Dr. H said not to sleep all day so sleep schedules don't change, but don't plan on any activity.
  • Don't talk.  It hurts. I would recommend using a cell phone or some sound to get the attention of whomever is taking care of you... That person needs to understand NOT to talk to you as well, it will be hard. For Singers: My voice teacher says NO TALKING. My doctor said I could talk a little, but to be on the safe side, I wouldn't make any noise.  You probably won't really be able to make sound anyway.  You are going to be swollen.
  • Don't try and eat.  I tried eating jello and it didn't feel good.  If you feel like you can, GO FOR IT, I would just try something like jello first, just to see.
I'm not going to give too many more tips, because as of right now, I've only been out of the emergency room for about 24 hours and I'm probably not yet a wealth of knowlege, although I'd like to think I am.

Here is a poem about my tonsils/A Gypsy quote:
I had a dream.
A dream about you, Tonsils.
It's gonna come true, Tonsils.
I think that we're through, Tonsils...

Inspiration of the day:

 Tuba Tara gets a tuba <3

PS - Enjoy my instagram pics... Sorry, not sorry

PPS - I will post every day for the next couple weeks.  I will always leave tips and tricks at the bottom of the blog page, and put those in color.  The blogs will not be this long unless something big happens. I promise!


  1. You rock, Orlando! Miss you girl :) Sleep tight and eat more Popsicles!

  2. We miss you! Caroline is doing an AWESOME job, though, and I enjoy her performances every day, but we definitely miss you. :)

    John had the rehearsal quote of the day "Stools are a full time job."

