Friday, December 14, 2012

Medicine is your friend... Use it

Disclaimer:   The events in Connecticut are weighing heavily on my heart this evening... This is all I could get out of my funny bone today.  I will leave more serious thoughts for other social media venues of expression but this my warning to why this isn't that informative or funny...

Why you should listen to your doctors, by Katie Weber

I've been living in a drug induced fantasy world for the past few days... And it all came crashing down today.

Although the feeling of being home is possibly the best ever, I woke up this morning in so much pain, I just sat there, like a log, for about half an hour.  I then realized that the nice doctors gave me some very strong medicine to take care of that pain...  You would think a girl who got into college and successfully dresses herself every day(well, "success" might be a strong word) could realize that the doctors know more then she does about all of this post op pain...


Then, throughout the day today, I didn't keep track of when I took my medicine... I then decide not to take anything until I know it's safe.  "Safe"? Seriously? You're in a lot of pain.  Take the children's liquid Motrin, Katie, PLEASE it won't kill you.

Tips and Tricks:

  • TAKE YOUR PAIN MEDS. Please. No one is asking for you to be a hero here.  It is silly to try and power through without them.
  • If you breath through your mouth at night, be sure to have some kind of cold ish drink next to you in the morning.  It WILL be painful when you wake up, but as long as you keep drinking and swallowing it will feel better.
  • Eddie's Popsicles are really good. Shout out to my Nana. They're made with real fruit and have a wonderful creamy consistency.. Delightfullll

There will not be a poem, or any inspiration for today. Just go hug someone and tell them that you love them for me? 
I will be more light heart-ed tomorrow, but I think that for at least 24 hours, we can remember and mourn, like America should the events of today.

<3 Katie

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