Saturday, November 24, 2012


It's Katie.
I go to the Eastman School of Music, and am studying Voice Performance and Music Education.
Born and raised in Central New York(Yes there is a state outside of NYC).
Music is my passion, I couldn't live without it, and singing is how I express the things inside of me that I need to share...  Wow that was mushy I'll try to keep that to a minimum.
Some other stuff about me:

I like to dance. I like to paint my toenails. I like to read books and watch movies. I like do make up, and do other peoples make up.  I like to teach other people about things that I love and share what I know and..... oh gosh I'm getting mushy again someone slap me please.


I'm getting my tonsils removed on December 12th 2012 in Rochester.


Thanks for the thought but I don't need any pity. This is a tiny hurdle that I have to get over, and thats not what I'm writing about.  My circumstances could be much worse, and I am thankful that for now, this is all I have to deal with.  But again thank you for any empathy, I accept chocolate and big hugzzz.

Back on track.  My surgery is coming at a not so ideal time in my life. I'm getting them out now because the amount of times that I get a soar throat is pathetic.  In the past year alone, I have had either a viral or bacterial infection in my throat 7 times. Are you freakin kidding me?  My tonsils are so big, that they scare people when they see them, they freeze in fear. I could post pictures, but.... ew?

Last April I was hospitalized overnight with Peritonsillar Abscess.  This is when mucous and infected material collect and fills the area behind your tonsils and glands in your throat...

Anyway, the good doctors finally decided it was time to schedule an ENT appointment. As soon as he looked down my throat with that little light doctor thingy he skipped the questions and went right into explaining the surgery.

As I said before, this isn't ideal timing.  My classes end 5 days after surgery and my finals end 5 days after that.  I am also the lead in the winter opera, and opening night is January 31st.  That might seem like plenty of time to heal, but we are literally talking about getting a new instrument 2 months before it's opera role debut.... Halp me.


I'm making this blog because the information on the internet is awesome, and there are surprisingly a lot of websites where you can lament about your tonsils, but none of them are funny, none of them are from an opera singer, and none of them are from a college student who has the resources that I am blessed with. My teacher is a speech pathologist(which is so cool) and a smart one at that.  She has also gone through a tonsillectomy, and I'll be consulting her regularly throughout my recovery.

This blog(maybe) will:

1. Bring more information to those younger people who need a little bit more tact then "Everything hurts and I'm only eating popsicles."
2. Give me a place to tell the people I love how I'm doing in a detailed way without using 'la voce.' and 3. Force me to be accountable and actually learn more about the major surgery I'm having in less then a month....

So I know this is boring and long winded, but I mean, like, it's 2 and a half weeks before the surgery. Go easy on me?

I will leave you all with a poem I wrote:

Roses are red
Tonsils are red
Music is cool
And I can't rhyme


Beyonce with Operahshow - Listen

Watch that and try not to love her.... TRY

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Baby, yer pretty good at this! Keep 'em comin', Darlin'! Can you believe I got called for Jury Duty for the week of your tonsillectomy?? Grrr! Maybe I can plead sympathy with the judge with this surgery and get off the list! :D
    Love you, Sweetie!
