Monday, April 1, 2013

Coming to grips with the surgery, almost 4 months later

This is awkward.
I haven't posted a blog since January...
Do we need to talk about this?
Are you ok?
Am I ok?
Do we need to take another break?
Was it too intense?
Was it not enough?
I feel like I don't even know you anymore...
I think its time to make a permanent split.
I broke promises, you stopped caring, its a lose lose situation.

I need therapy.

Real Talk:
This surgery was a very big deal.  More so than I thought/currently think it was. I taught me a lot about my strengths and weaknesses.  It "cut away" at my delusional shell and brought into the light the fact that my body could not function the way it had before.   I may be healed, but I'm still feeling the after shocks.

Things you should take away from my experience.

A.  Take some time to get to know your body. As a singer we forget that we're athletes too, athletes know what every inch of their body is doing, and we have to as well
B.  Remember you are not perfect and that you are not a robot.  We all become weak at times and thats ok.
C.  Everyone is different.  DO YOU.
D. Katie Weber is a lovable psycho... Not lovable you say?  Well thats what my mom says....

This is the closing chapter of the Tonsils blog.... It's finally being laid to rest.


Love you?
